PVARC Meeting

Hello All,

The Pleasant Valley Amateur Radio Club will hold its first meeting on Saturday August 25th at 9:00am at the American Red Cross located at 836 Calle Plano in Camarillo.

There will be a presentation of the systems current capabilities and how they function. Additionally we will discuss the new system features that will shortly become available, (auto-patch, hilltop HF station, Echolink). Operational costs such as site rentals, system maintenance and new builds will also be presented.

I look forward to you attending this initial meeting to help define what we can provide for the community.

Thank you for your time.

Paul Strauss



The Conejo Valley Amateur Radio Club holds a 15 Meter HF Roundtable Net every Wednesday Evening from 7pm until 8pm on 21.330-21.335 +/-.  Shake off the dust on your HP radio and join in.





Every Monday the K6MEP / VCARC  Club holds their Weekly Net from 8pm – 9pm on the WD6EBY Repeaters.

For additional information contact xxx at yyy.

ACS Net – HF

The Ventura County ACS (Auxillary Communications Service) HF net meets every Tuesday from 6:45 PM  to 7:00 PM local on 7.235 +/- or 7.240 +/-

For additional information contact xxx at yyy .




The Leisure Village  holds their monthly net on the first Wednesday of the month at 5:00 PM local on the WD6EBY repeaters.  The primary frequency for this net is the Camarillo Hills Repeater 445.60 with a PL of 141.3.  For additional information contact xxx at yyy .


Newbie Net



Every Sunday the Conejo Valley ARC holds the “Newbie” from 7pm – 8pm on the BOZO Repeater (N6JMI) 147.885 [Neg offset ] PL 127.3hz.  This net is also carried on the WD6EBY repeaters with the primary frequency of 145.200 MHz PL 127.3 HZ.  For additional information contact xxx at yyy.