Yes that’s right. As of October 2018 the Pleasant Valley Amateur Radio Club has a Remotely Controlled HF station. This station is available to all PVARC Club members. Please let me know if you experience any problems or issues.
Station information:
Station Call: K6PVR
Location: Sulphur Mtn 2600ft
Radio: Kenwood TS-450S
Power Source: Power supply with a future battery backup
Antenna 1: Comet CHA-250DX Vertical
Antenna 2: tbd
Control: access to the radio is through the program
Access: the system is only accessible through the internet. researching MESH network access.
Identify with your own call not K6PVR and make sure you are operating within your license privileges.
The radio is setup for phone operation and CW receive. I am looking into CW and other Digital operating modes. The radio covers 10 through 160 meters and will auto-tune 10-80 to provide the best match. The auto-tuner does not work on 160 meters so 160 meters TX has been disabled.
The radio is powered from a ac power supply with a future instillation of a battery backup.
The RemoteHams program is available at Once you download the program version v0.9.246 and after a simple registration you can login to the program. K6PVR will not show in the general listing. You must enter K6PVR in the search field to find it.
For Android users, RemoteHams also provides a free app for your cell phone.